◆ 会议时间:2024年7月7-10日
◆ 会议地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
◆ 会议简介:
ESHRE 2024 - 40th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
Date: 7-10 July 2024
Venue: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ESHRE 2024 - Call for abstracts
Abstract submission Deadline = 1 February 2024, 11:59 CET (noon)
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
List of topics
Abstracts should be submitted in English only.
IMPORTANT! By default the corresponding author will also be the presenting author in case the abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should only be submitted if the corresponding author plans to attend the Annual Meeting.
It is not allowed to change the corresponding/presenting author, nor is it allowed to make changes to the list of authors, the list of affiliations or the abstract itself after the corresponding/presenting author has received the outcome of the reviewing process. Make sure all details are correct before you submit your abstract.
At submission, abstracts should contain unpublished and original material, which has not yet been presented in any other meeting. It is not possible to submit the abstract to another meeting that occurs before the ESHRE annual meeting.
Each presenting author can only submit one abstract.
All abstracts will be refereed in the absence of the names and addresses of the authors. Authors are requested to indicate their preference for oral and/or poster presentation on the abstract submission form. Abstracts that are submitted for oral/poster presentation, but that are not selected for oral communication can be referred to the poster sessions. The decisions of the selection committee are final. All accepted abstracts and the index of authors will be published in an abstract book, a monograph to the Human Reproduction Journals.
All abstracts will be reviewed and scored and subsequently accepted for presentation or rejected. This process will take some time to complete and the outcome will be available by 26 April 2024. At that time the submitter will be notified as to whether his/her abstract has been accepted or not.
The "Hybrid" registration includes:
- an in-person/face-to-face attendance, whereby participants are physically present at the meeting venue and
- a virtual connection with live-stream in real time that participants can attend from a distance
- the on-demand offering
The registration fee for the annual meeting includes:
- admission to all scientific sessions and the exhibition
- a certificate of attendance
- on-demand access post annual meeting
The registration fee for the precongress courses includes:
- in-person admission to one specific course as selected, virtual access to all precongress courses
- a certificate of attendance for the attended courses
- on-demand access to all precongress courses post annual meeting
Individual registrations
Fees (prices mentioned are in Euro, exclusive 21% Dutch VAT)
Main programme Fees @ ESHRE 2024 Hybrid (inclusive on-demand)
Early rate
until 7 May |
Standard rate
as of 8 May |
Late rate
as of 12 June |
Member of ESHRE
375 Euro |
475 Euro |
575 Euro |
Allied professional / student Member of ESHRE
200 Euro |
250 Euro
350 Euro |
Non-member of ESHRE
525 Euro
625 Euro
725 Euro |
Precongress Fees @ ESHRE 2024
(inclusive live-stream and on-demand)
Early rate
until 7 May |
Standard rate
as of 8 May |
Late rate
as of 12 June |
Member of ESHRE
200 Euro
275 Euro
375 Euro |
Allied professional / student Member of ESHRE |
100 Euro
150 Euro
250 Euro |
Non-member of ESHRE
325 Euro
425 Euro
525 Euro |
Deadlines 7 May and 11 June at 23:59 Central European Summer time (CEST), ALL PRICES MENTIONED ARE IN EURO, VAT EXCLUSIVE*.
Group registrations
Organisations (i.e. companies, institutions etc.) who wish to support individuals and register groups can do so by purchasing a given number of individual registration codes, which they can distribute to individuals of their choice. The individuals who receive these codes can use them to register for the annual meeting.
The minimum number of required participants for a group registration is 10.
Fees (minimum of participants required is 10 - prices mentioned (per participant) are exclusive 21% Dutch VAT)
Group Fees @ ESHRE 2024 Hybrid
(inclusive on-demand)
Early rate
until 7 May |
Standard rate
as of 8 May |
Late rate
as of 12 June |
Main programme
425 Euro p.p |
525 Euro p.p
625 Euro p.p |
Precongress courses
250 Euro p.p |
325 Euro p.p |
425 Euro p.p |
Deadlines 7 May and 11 June at 23:59 Central European Summer time (CEST), ALL PRICES MENTIONED ARE IN EURO, VAT EXCLUSIVE*.
Visitor registrations
In addition to the above, individuals who only wish to visit the in-person and/or virtual exhibit and Industry sponsored sessions can do so by registering as a Visitor. This option does not include access to the official scientific programme (i.e. precongress courses and main programme).
The visitor registration fee = 310 Euro (exclusive 21% VAT)
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。