◆ 会议时间:2026年3月28-31日
◆ 会议地点:日本 横滨
◆ 会议简介:
2026年国际肾脏病学会(ISN)世界肾脏病大会(ISN WCN 2026)将于2026年3月28-31日在日本横滨举行,本次会议由国际肾脏病学会(ISN)、日本肾脏病学会(JSN)、亚太肾脏病学会(APSN)联合主办。世界肾脏病大会(WCN)汇聚了数千名世界肾脏保健领域的顶尖专家,介绍最新的进展,交流最新的科学,讨论最新的临床应用,旨在改善肾脏健康和预防肾脏疾病。本次会议由国际肾脏病学会(ISN)组织,阿根廷肾脏病学会(SAN)、拉丁美洲肾脏病和高血压学会(SLANH)联合举办。
World Congress of Nephrology (WCN 2026)
March 28- 31, 2026
Yokohama, Japan
Organized by :
International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
Co-hosted by:
Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN)
The Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN)
The World Congress of Nephrology:
A global event to advance your career and worldwide kidney health
The World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) is the annual scientific, educational, and networking meeting of the International Society of Nephrology. The WCN features regionally-relevant symposia, presentations, training programs, and courses, offering the latest science and state-of-the-art education in nephrology.
In line with the ISN’s core values, WCN’25 promotes equitable access and inclusivity.
World Congress of Nephrology (WCN 2025)
February 6 - 9, 2025
YASHOBHOOMI (India International Convention & Expo Centre)
Dwarka, New Delhi, India
Organized by :
International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
Hosted by:
Indian Society Of Nephrology
Abstract submission opens: June 24, 2024
Submission deadline: September 4, 2024
Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2024
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Unlock Your Path to Success: Craft a Winning Abstract in Ten Easy Steps!
Previous WCN abstract reviewers Sabine Karam, Magdalena Madero, and Roberto Pecoits-Filho unveil the secrets to creating an abstract that stands out:
Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters or e-posters at WCN’25 and published in a congress supplement to Kidney International Reports® (KIR).
The presenting author must register for the congress by November 6, 2024, to ensure the abstract’s publication in Kidney International Reports® and for poster presentation.
Check out the instructions below on how to complete your online submission
The Kidney Losing Function
- Acute Kidney Injury Clinical, Drugs, AKI-CKD Continuum
- Acute Kidney Injury – Mechanisms, Experimental Models and Biomarkers
- Acid-base and Electrolyte Abnormalities in Kidney Disease
- Other AKI
- Chronic Kidney Disease Diagnosis, Classification and Progression
- Chronic Kidney Disease Complications
- Diabetic Kidney Disease, Drugs and Treatments
- Chronic Kidney Disease, Experimental Models, Biomarkers, Precision Medicine
- Inflammation, Fibrosis, Matrix Biology and Oxidative Stress
- Urologic Disorders – Stones, Nephrocalcinosis
- Other CKD
- Haemodialysis, Haemodiafiltration and Vascular Access
- Kidney Transplantation and Transplant Immunology
- Peritoneal Dialysis
Better Kidney Health
- Tropical Kidney Diseases
- Epidemiology, Outcomes and Health Service Research Related to CKD or Its Complications
- Special Challenges in the Burden and Management of CKD in Developing Countries
- Bioethics, Supportive/Palliative Care and Quality of Life in Kidney Failure
- Other KF (Kidney Failure)
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Covid-19 and The Kidney
The Smart Kidney
- Experimental Models- Glomerulonephritis
- Clinical Glomerulonephritis
- Physiology of Tubular Function and Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease, Renal Model Systems (Organoids and Kidney on a Chip)
- Genetics and Epigenetics (Including Common and Rare Genetic Diseases)
- Nephrotic Syndrome
The Interconnected Kidney
- Kidney in Pregnancy and Post-Partum
- Cancer Therapy And Kidney Disease
- Renal and Electrolyte Manifestation of Onconephrology
- Vascular Biology and Endothelial Function
- Essential Hypertension and Renovascular Kidney Disease
- Epidemiology, Outcomes and Health Services Research in Dialysis
- Training
- Social media
- Curriculum
- Online learning
Late Breaking Clinical Trials
- Late breaking clinical trials
Abstract requirements:
- Character count: You may use up to 3,400 characters. Spaces are included in the character count (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image). Abstract authors/co-authors’ names, affiliations, and keywords do not count towards the 3,400-character allowance.
- Abstracts follow a structured format of introduction, methods, results, and conclusion sections. Tables, graphs, and pictures may be included (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image).
- Images must be in JPEG or PNG format (uploaded images cannot exceed 640w x 480h pixels and 1.5 Megabytes).
- Case reports that present novel hypotheses, pathologies, treatments, or ethical issues are welcome. However, they are only likely to be selected if the originality is highlighted effectively.
- Encore abstracts are permissible if both the initial and subsequent conferences allow it. Authors must declare this at the end of the abstract as follows: ‘This abstract was also submitted for the (insert meeting title) congress.’ By submitting, the authors confirm that the organizers of the previous meeting will allow re-submission.
- Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing: authors must disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process by adding a statement at the end of their abstract, in a new section entitled ‘Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process’. See below accordion for all information.
- The maximum number of abstract co-authors that can be listed in an abstract is 15.
- Please check carefully for typographical errors, misspelled words, misused hyphens, etc. Please also check that your abstract title is correct.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Submission conditions:
Accepted abstracts will be published online in Kidney International Reports®. No printed abstract book will be produced.
Presenting authors must register for the congress by November 6, 2024, to have their abstract published as described above and to have a poster presentation at the congress. Abstract presenters must register using the same email, if they fail to do so and do not communicate the change of email to the Abstract team, the abstract might not be published in Kidney International Reports® or presented onsite. WCN organizers will not be held responsible for non-publication.
If the presenting author cannot present the abstract, a co-author may do so, provided they are registered for the congress. In this case, the original presenting author must communicate the presenting author change to the Abstract team (abstractswcn@theisn.org) to confirm that the new presenting author is registered. Failure to do so will result in the withdrawal of the abstract.
A non-refundable handling fee of 40 USD is charged per submitted abstract. When submitting the abstract, the handling fee must be paid by credit card (American Express, MasterCard, or Visa). Payment by bank transfer is not possible. Abstract handling fees are waived only for submitters from low-income countries as defined by World Bank income groups listed here. The handling fee for late-breaking clinical trial abstracts is 100 USD and is not waived for submitters from low-income countries.
Once submitted, abstracts cannot be changed or withdrawn.
All copyrights are assigned to the ISN.
All submitted abstracts will be considered for a poster presentation.
ISN Young Nephrologists Awards: The ISN offers presenting authors under 40 the opportunity to apply for two Young Nephrologists Awards. These awards will cover travel and accommodation costs for attending the congress. Each winner will have an 8-minute oral abstract presentation during a session at the congress. Applications for the awards are only possible during the online abstract submission process.
Organ trafficking and tourism ethics compliance: Scientific studies and clinical activities must be performed in keeping with the ethical principles outlined in the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism. By submitting an abstract, you state that you have not violated any aspect of the Declaration or associated consensus statements on live donation and research on human subjects.
After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email within two business days. If the email does not appear, please check your spam folder.
If you submit your abstract on the last day of submission (September 4, 2024) and you do not receive confirmation within 48 hours, please email abstractswcn@theisn.org to make sure your abstract has been received.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by email on October 15, 2024
Late-breaking abstracts cover ground-breaking data that would not otherwise have been presented at WCN’25. If such data are available after the regular abstract deadline, the Scientific Program Working Group will still consider it for presentation.
Late-breaking abstracts describe the latest advances, trial data, and results that have not been previously published or presented and highlight novel and practice-changing studies.
The call for late-breaking abstracts is not an extension of the general submission deadline.
Late-breaking abstract submitters are required to submit a ‘place holder’ abstract during the regular submission period (deadline September 4, 2024). For further information on updating your abstract, please see “Post-Submission” section below.
Preparing a Late-breaking Abstract Submission:
Abstract Requirements:
- Late-breaking abstracts should follow the standard abstract structure: introduction, methods, results and conclusions.
- Late-breaking abstracts should highlight novel and practice-changing studies.
Submission Conditions:
- Late-breaking abstracts will only be considered if a placeholder abstract is submitted during the regular abstract submission period (deadline September 4, 2024). To submit an abstract, please log in to your congress profile and go to “Late-breaking Clinical Trial Abstract(s).”
- A non-refundable handling fee of 100 USD will be charged per abstract submitted in this category. This fee is not waived for applications from low-income countries.
- Late-breaking abstracts will be considered for potential oral presentation in one of the sessions at WCN’25.
- The call for late-breaking abstracts is not an extension of the submission deadline.
Post Submission:
- Updating an abstract Please send a letter of intent to abstractswcn@theisn.org no later than November 6, 2024.
- The abstract submission portal will temporarily re-open until November 6, 2024 for authors to make updates.
WCN2025 注册费:
Early bird registration
Until November 6, 2024
- 385 USD
ISN/Indian Society of Nephrology members
- 335 USD
FISN (Fellows of the International Society of Nephrology)
- 670 USD
- 145 USD
ISN Trainee/ISN Associate members/Student member
- 200 USD
Allied Health Professionals
- 975 USD
Industry Representatives
- Free
Low-income Countries
Regular Registration
Until January 8, 2025
- 485 USD
ISN/Indian Society of Nephrology members
- 435 USD
FISN (Fellows of the International Society of Nephrology)
- 770 USD
- 245 USD
ISN Trainee/ISN Associate members/Student member
- 300 USD
Allied Health Professionals
- 1075 USD
Industry Representatives
- Free
Low-income countries
Late/On-site registration
As of January 9, 2025
- 635 USD
ISN/ Indian Society of Nephrology members
- 585 USD
FISN (Fellows of the International Society of Nephrology)
- 920 USD
- 395 USD
ISN Trainee/ISN Associate members/Student member
- 450 USD
Allied Health Professionals
- 1225 USD
Industry Representatives
- Free
Low-income countries
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。