◆ 会议时间:2020年5月13日至16日 会议取消
◆ 会议地点:瑞典 哥德堡/Gothenburg, Sweden
◆ 下期会议:2021年第54届欧洲儿科和先天性心脏病协会年会(AEPC2021)
◆ 会议简介:
Deadline for abstract submission is December 9, 2019
Dear friends,
We are proud and honoured to welcome you to the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology to be held in Gothenburg, Sweden on May 13-16, 2020. This meeting has a long tradition of bringing together not only Paediatric Cardiologists but also specialists from all the other disciplines dedicated to the care of patients with congenital heart disease with delegates coming not only from Europe but from around the world. The number of participants has steadily increased during the last years, not the least due to the involvement of colleagues from allied professions, such as nurses and technicians.
The venue of the meeting is at the Swedish Exhibition Centre, centrally located in Gothenburg, with excellent meeting facilities.
On behalf of the Local Organising Committees from Lund and Gothenburg
Jan Sunnegårdh, MD, PhD, Professor
Local Organising Committee Chair
Katarina Hanséus, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
Local Organising Committee Co-Chair
Congress fees |
Early bird registration
until February 17, 2020
Standard registration
from February 18 to May 4, 2020
Late registration
from May 5, 2020
Members AEPC |
SEK 3500 |
SEK 4200 |
SEK 5300 |
Junior Members AEPC |
SEK 2100 |
SEK 2400 |
SEK 2650 |
Non-Members AEPC |
SEK 5000 |
SEK 5800 |
SEK 6600 |
Nurses and allied professions Members |
SEK 2100 |
SEK 2400 |
SEK 2650 |
Nurses and allied professions Non-Members |
SEK 2700 |
SEK 2900 |
SEK 3100 |
All prices are shown in Swedish krona (SEK). International delegates whose congress fee is payed by a VAT registered company/organisation do not pay Swedish VAT. Swedish VAT of 25% will be added to all other delegates congress fees.
Registration fees includes:
• Admittance to the scientific sessions
• Access to the poster exhibition
• Access to the exhibition area
• Opening ceremony and welcome reception
• Refreshments during breaks and lunches
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。