
◆ 会议时间:2021年5月25日至27日
◆ 会议地点:虚拟会议-VIRTUAL


◆ 会议简介:




Deadline for abstract submission is December 21, 2020

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Information of abstracts accepted for the AEPC Annual Meeting 2020 and of the abstract process for the Annual AEPC Meeting 2021

As You all know the AEPC Annual Meeting 2020 in Gothenburg has been postponed to May 2021, due to the current catastrophe with Covid-19 pandemic.

533 abstracts had been accepted for oral or poster presentations for the AEPC 2020 meeting. As the meeting has been moved to 2021 instead of being completely canceled we, ie the local committee together with the AEPC council, have decided not to publish the abstracts in Cardiology in the Young from 2020.

The call for abstracts for AEPC 2021 will open at the beginning of September and the deadline for submission will be December 14. We will welcome all to submit the original 2020 abstracts (original abstract ID number requested) or an updated abstract based on the original work or one or several new abstracts. As usual, abstracts must not have been published or presented elsewhere.

All submitted abstracts for 2021 will be reviewed for the selection of oral abstracts, moderated posters, and posters. However, we have decided to accept the 2020 accepted abstracts (preferably but not mandatory as updated version) for AEPC 2021 at least as a poster.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the CITY after the AEPC Annual Meeting 2021.


Dear friends,

We are proud and honored to welcome you to the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology in Gothenburg, Sweden on May 25-28, 2021.

As you all know, the meeting was originally planned for May 2020 but had to be cancelled due to the severe Covid-19 pandemic. A lot of virtual activities have developed during the pandemic and web-based education and meetings have been a substitute for traditional meetings. However, meeting old and new friends involved in similar daily practice as your own improves scientific and human exchange and the Annual Meetings of AEPC have become well attended and highly valued occasions.

Therefore, we are deeply grateful for all efforts and support from individuals, organizations, and companies that have made it possible for us to arrange the meeting in May 2021 instead. We want to express our sincere gratitude to the team in Geneva, making it possible to complete and realize the upcoming meeting already planned in great detail.

This meeting has a long tradition of bringing together not only Paediatric Cardiologists but also specialists from all the other disciplines dedicated to the care of patients with congenital heart disease with delegates coming not only from Europe but from around the world. The number of participants has steadily increased during the last years, not the least due to the involvement of colleagues from allied professions, such as nurses, technicians, social workers and psychologists. The venue of the meeting is at the Swedish Exhibition Centre, centrally located in Gothenburg, with excellent meeting facilities.

We welcome you all to meet in real life, in this time more important than ever before!

On behalf of the Local Organising Committees from Lund and Gothenburg

Jan Sunnegårdh, MD, PhD, Professor
Local Organising Committee Chair

Katarina Hanséus, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
Local Organising Committee Co-Chair


Registration for the digital AEPC 2021 meeting


Registration for the digital AEPC 2021 meeting is open. The registration fee for all delegate categories includes access to the entire digital event platform including the Scientific sessions, the Exhibition, and the Abstracts & Posters.

The pre-courses on Tuesday, May 25 are included in the fees, but please note that pre-registration is required.

Please note that if you were registered for the AEPC 2020 meeting, your registration is valid for the digital AEPC 2021 meeting and you should not re-register.

Congress fees in SEK, excl. 25% VAT

AEPC Member  SEK 2500
AEPC Junior Member  SEK 1500
Non-Member AEPC  SEK 3600
Nurses and allied professions, Member  SEK 1500
Nurses and allied professions Non-Members  SEK 2100
Junior, Non-Member  SEK 2100

 * All AEPC Members need to be in good standing with the society (i.e. need to have paid their annual membership fee) to be entitled to pay the reduced members fee. 

* AEPC Junior Members under the age of 38, and in training need to be in good standing with the society (i.e. need to have paid their annual membership fee) to be entitled to pay the reduced junior members fee.  AEPC Junior Members are required to send a proof of age to aepc2021@resia.se  proving this status.

** AEPC Honorary Members: please kindly contact us on aepc2021@resia.se to assist you with your registration.

◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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